Sunday, September 17, 2006


I caught a glimpse of what life is all about, sometime back at IIT...

It was dinnertime. Huge bowls, containing delicacies were lying at our disposal. And people helped themselves generously. Piles of food in our dishes, we went happily to our tables. Just as I was about to start eating my share of heavenly delight, I spotted a small puppy wandering in the hall. A bit deformed, and a lot weak, it was probably lured by the smell of what would mean life to it. A few of us took pity on the chap and gave it some food to eat. However weakness had taken its toll on the poor guy and it could hardly chew few bites. As I watched around, people were happily munching away, oblivious to the pup's misery. It slept a bit due to weakness, moved a few steps, and then slept again. Slowly it vanished somewhere in the hall.
But everywhere around me - munch munch chatter chatter munch.

As I went to put back the dishes, I could only gape at the amount of leftovers thrown into the garbage-bin by us. Stepping out, I again found the fellow near the security office. It was sitting, or making a lame attempt to stand. It could not lift its head up, and was shivering. Someone had provided it with an old pillow and a few blankets. I looked back over my shoulder, into the dining room - munch munch chatter chatter munch munch. The pup finally went to sleep beneath the cosy blankets.

Next morning I woke up to find the pup and the blankets gone. It probably died during the night and was discarded with the rest of its belongings. And as I saw into the dining room, (it was breakfast time) - munch munch chatter chatter munch munch...

Important lessons -

When you are weak, people might help you a bit (like food stuff). But don't expect them to carry you through the entire rough patch. One needs to harden up and fight for his/her own self.

One would surely lose out, if one believes that the help provided is thorough (like the blanket and the pillow). One needs to see how it is just a temporary aid, whereas the complete support can only be from us within. Relying solely on others can be lethal.

Last but not the least; you hardly leave a whiff of yourself when you are gone. Life moves on, afterall.



OsKar Bebblebrox said...

hmm and sometimes all we can do is just reach out..the world is a lonely place sure...but when brains win over hearts...we so easily lose the very things that makes us human...sometimes a hug is all someone needs...

Malay Maniar said...

yeah agreed... but what un-bubble-wrapped life teaches us is not to be dependent only on that hug.

sanjana said...

well said, but then ppl generally rely on outside aids without realising the potential within...if everyone relied on their own selves, then it will be an overcrowded world! basic principle of nature - survival of the fittest!

Amit Phatak said...

hi malay... gud stuff dude...
Actually u have shown a nice positive approach and reasoning ability.
Hey Apart from this .. in general you really give a good titles ... really catchy and self explainatory. I'll love to ready ur blogs in future also

Gauri Gharpure said...

Sensitive... As long as you can notice and feel (and write) about such things, you are on the right track dude..

Piggy Little said...

i like this post a lot, like a lot others of urs :) but this one touched me somewhere, esp. because of the lessons that it teaches and that too the last one: life moves on, after all :)

came across your blog, while browsing through blogger. and must say, i am really glad i did :)
