Friday, January 26, 2007

Ummm, what was that again???

Even the professors of one of the best technical institutes of the world go overboard when trying to explain a topic. In this post, I shall try to collect such gems for collection (mind you, these are not "created"). It shall be periodically updated, so keep checking.

1. "If I throw you out of the window, and then I jump out to commit suicide because I will feel guilty of murdering you, then also the instantaneous centers of rotation of you, I and the earth will lie on a straight line" - Kinematics professor clarifying Kennedy's theorem.

2. "Numbers can't help you much. You get the same number when you square a negative or a positive number. And it won't help you. You must help yourself." - Vibrations professor insisting on physics and not mathematics of a problem.

3. "Complex numbers seem complex just because they are named complex. There is nothing complex about complex numbers. Its just a representation, thats it" - Vibrations professor when clarifying the equation he wrote in which left hand side was completely imaginary, and right hand side was real plus imaginary.

4. "Such books are meant only for burning. Or for using in the toilets" - Kinematics professor venting his anger on Indian authors for using wrong terms.

5. "Since birth you are taught to understand only numbers, and not figures. Except of girls, of course" - Kinematics professor being angry at students being bad with diagrams.

6. "Vibrating at first node is the most natural way of doing it. It's not as if we satisfy any mathematical constraint. Just that its the most convenient way for the system to vibrate" - Vibration professor explaining why initial modes are important.

7. "You see, minus cannot be minus ..." - Another gem from our vibration professor.

8. "When you go closer and closer to the solution, what you get is, closer and closer to the solution" - No wonder we can't understand optimization properly!



Amit Phatak said...

Realy nice yar..
just take note of this;
most of the sentences that you said are from Dynamics Professor
are actually from "Kinematics Professor.."
he is really Great :)

Malay Maniar said...

thanks man...
Errors regretted :P


Unknown said...

Hi, Malay,
good one
keep going still more than a year left.

Pruthak said...


good funny quotes...
but if you see them out of the funbox, they are actually excellent. it is not easy for an ordinary guy to think or verbalize such statements!

Unknown said...

wish i was a vibrations prof.....i'd then say bein funny cannot be the same as bein hilarious.

Unknown said...

what abt line is not so linear

Trushar said...

what abt line is not so linear

NRkey Menon said...

4th and the 5th one...splendid and spontaneous!!

Puja Upadhyay said...

hey, these are some brilliant gems for a collection.
was good fun to read!