Sunday, April 30, 2006


Just imagine. You are married and have a lovely daughter. She's 2 years old and is the cutest looking girl the universe has ever witnessed. One day you wake up on the wrong side of the bed. You have a shitty day- your boss scolds you, your colleague has gone off to a vacation you were supposed to be on, and now you were doing the work of both. On the way back you get a flat tyre. You tow the car for 5 kms before you figure out you were pushing along the wrong way. And finally when you come home, sit on a sofa, and wish nothing would ever grow wrong. And then, crash... The porcelain vase your father-in-law gave you last diwali, is knocked over by your daughter. You stand up and scold her and throw out all your frustrations at her. And then, you leave her crying and go back to your sofa, your mind drenched completely and you cannot think anything anymore.
And then the most amazing thing happens. She stops crying, and tries hard not to sob. With her runny nose and tears floating around near her eye, looking like diamonds, you see her trying to put the porcelain pieces together. All her attempts are satiated with her desire to please her daddy. The taliban is killing people, nuclear wars are at hand, prices of oil are going over the 15th storrey, the world is full of problems. And here is a kid, oblivious to the ever-increasing entropy of the universe, trying to mend the broken pieces. She doesn’t know why she's repairing it, or how to repair it, but all she thinks is that mending the vase will bring a smile to her daddy's face, make him happy. And she doesn’t care a damn about anything else.
And when you realize it, and realize the gravity of your behavior and run to take your daughter up in your arms, you are flooded by a positive energy picking up your spirits. You are humbled by her devotion. All tensions, frustrations go right into hell. And you repent the way you treated her. You pledge never to scold her for anything. The devil turns angelic by a child - that my friend is the power of innocence....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

not bad.. nice imagination and corelation with reality.
well that is repeated everyday, parents shower their child with all frustations, whether he or she is at fault ot not. they dont have time to understand their smile or hear their wails. i hope parents show empathy to their children too...