Monday, May 01, 2006


Today there was an encroachment drive going on at Baroda. We all know the nuisance caused by structures, be they religious or otherwise, created in the middle of the road. 20 temples and 2 dargaas were razed. Surely all of you will thus agree that there was nothing communal about the drive. Yet we witnessed a near-riot. Was the fury of the mob justified? No. They were given enough chance in last month, and even the court had supported the drive.
But that isnt the major issue. THe real issue is the negative propoganda of the news channels regarding the unfortunate event. Expressions describing the event as gory, inhumane and "typical of Gujarat" were doing the rounds. Time and again we have witnessed such sensationalism in the media.
At Dora in Kashmir, 22 people were killed by terrorists. They belonged to a wedding party. Now see the news coverage. Much lesser than the "bad boy Gujarat". Havent we witnessed this partiality earlier too?
Friends, is there an anti-Gujarat wave going around? If I were to answer that, it would be affirmative. You can take this issue, or Narmada issue or whatever other issue. Gujarat has done the best rehabilitation program for oustees in Narmada project, and it has been acclaimed by many professional bodies. Yet its always Gujarat who is made to look out as a devil. Why? Just because we have a better industrial growth rate than most other states? Is it because we have one of the highest per capita incomes in the country? Is it because Gujarat is the safest place in India, for women and children alike? Or is it because other states dont have the capacity to match our development speed?
Just think.
Jai Gujarat.


Anonymous said...

may be it is some thing like an anti gujarat wave but then good things are always condemned at first.....n then what makes us different from the rest is that we have not let any disaster become an obstacle for us...probably we are the state that has faced highest number of calamities in last few years but even tht has not stopped us and we stand amongst the most progressive states of our country...n the irony is inspite of riots,people prefer to stay here cuz we are one of the safest states of i think we rock.....cheers to gujarat!!!

Anonymous said...

there is an anti-gujarat wave at times i agree. but often there is a wave in favour of gujarat which is more due to sympathy, and unjustified, for we have faced number of disaster be it communal riots, other violence or natural calamities.. any thing in excess is not a good omen