Saturday, May 20, 2006

All India rank 3 and no admissions???

I know I had de-linked but this was too good an incident to be put off after the exams.
For those who came in late (and more so because of my narcissism), I took the GATE exams and secured all India rank 3.
With such high merit, even in the wake of the quota debacle, I could secure direct admission at such revered (ahem) college like IIT Bombay. And obviously my happiness knew no bounds when I saw my name on those offered direct admission, on IIT Bombay website (after days of postponing the display).
So out of all the modes available to pay the fees, I chose the easiest mode of sending a DD through speed post, which seemed hassle free. Or so I thought.
As the days went by, my I-got-admission-at-IIT-yey euphoria slowly gave way to why-haven't-they-sent-me-written-confirmation-yet worry. And under the impression of IIT being a very hi-tech institute, I sent in a few emails to the e-mail ids shown on the website. Few of the addresses bounced, the rest simply chose to ignore my mail. I felt the itch again, and sent the email to scores of other ids, with the same result.
Finally I decided to call (am a miser after all!!). After being directed to 3 different numbers, I got through. And imagine my shock when the lady at the other end says "Sorry, your DD has not been received here"!!
Blood drained from my face and I could only gasp. I asked, "what happens now", and the reply was a sugarcoated bullet "You give us the DD details and we will again go through the DDs received. However, if your DD is not there, your admission stands cancelled"!
Forget about being humble, I was a damn AIR 3!! How many times in IIT history has an AIR 3 been left without admission? Panic-stricken, I called dad and got the DD details and narrated the details to the lady in question. She politely asked me to call after 3 p.m.
I decided to check on the post office. After all, I still had their consignment number with me. There I was informed to inquire about the status on a couple of numbers. Calling them, in true government style, I was informed that the "server from Delhi has bogged down, so please call after 3"!
Undeterred I asked for their website and I got two! I went home and checked out both. One turned out to be a farce advertisement site, while the other hit the bull's-eye and I checked my consignment number. The site informed that my DD was delivered to IIT on 28th itself!!
Phew! I threw a slight sigh of relief and called IIT again at 3. And unsurprisingly, I was asked to call again at 5. I knew they were buying time, to think of a way to cover their own goof up. See, what they do, as the lady had told me earlier, was that whenever they receive any DD, they encircled the name of the sender in a list. That's how they would know who has sent in his/her fees or not. Apparently they had forgotten to encircle my name. I know it seems a very crude method, but that's what they have adopted.
I called again at 5, was told to wait and I listened to an awkward silence lasting 5 whole minutes. My STD bill was scaling new heights, as I hung up and called again. Again the same thing. Finally on the third call, the lady answered the call and informed me "we just received your DD. Your Admission is confirmed". Boy I felt relieved. I knew they were just saving face by that excuse. But who cares?!! I got admitted!
But a small doubt still lingered. I asked whether there was any problem since they had received my DD on that day, supposedly, while the last day for sending fees was already history. Thankfully there was none. How could there be, it was their goof up!!
In spite of the verbal confirmation, I asked my cousin there in Mumbai to verify it in person. The ordeal ended successfully with his confirmation.
If this is the amount of hassle I faced during admissions, I just wonder what will happen during my 2 years there!! I have kept all my fingers as well as arms crossed!! Hopefully, rather certainly, the faculty will be much much better than their admission staff.


Anonymous said...

hmm..kanjus! Have u heard tht - a stitch in time saves nine!! Well, lets modify it a bit here, money spent in time saves tension later!!

On a serious note, I cant believe tht this could happen at IIT, and that too IIT-B!! Its supposed to be among the better ones yaar!! If this is one of those things that makes an IIT.. "NIT,keep doing the work and u'll reach there soon!;)"

Anonymous said...

Way to go Malay!!!

I already was impressed by your stellar AIR, but this determined tale of grappling with the Alzheimerisms of the IIT offices, and the self-effacing way you presented it here was very entertaining and enlightening. I'm shocked at the way this issue has turned out, and I'm sure the faculty will be lightyears better...they have to be since the spread of IIT's gong globally has not done so unaided!!

I wish you luck, and am gonna stay in touch with you, whether you have time or not...I'm gonna bog you with all fundoo queries once I join M&M (^^,)

And I hope to see you tommorrow for the 'Inquilab' against reservation !



Anonymous said...

so finally someone wrote abt the 18th century methods still persistant at one of the most hi-tech institutes of country.....old habits die hard mr.maniar....m talking abt the institute as well as some miser i knw....:-) however instead of cribbing abt it,i got a better idea......i think instead of spending ur 2 yrs at canteen there,u shud probably teach them something u knw abt computers and will help ya both.....

Shankar Iyer said...

Phew....that was indeed living on the edge....IIT's...ah huh..ATB for the next 2 years there then...

Anonymous said...

hey man write a ltl less and plz put sum kul gaals pics only thn il believe tht dis is malays blog

Malay Maniar said...

atleast name yourself man!! We will see about girls's pics later on!!! haha