Saturday, May 13, 2006

About cell-phone operators

Summers present a good opportunity to think about irrelevant and trivial issues, as if not solving them would lead to another apocalypse (the first was the inaugration of a college on the outskirts of Ahmedabad). And staring into the sky (after cutting out from the view, the green plant-nets that we have put up on the terrace) and trying to assure myself that the hot breeze will soon give way to a cool zephyr, I heard a beep-beep. Message. Checking it out, I found that it was an sms from my cell-operator saying I had a missed-call.
My point is, since they have already "wasted" their resources by sending an sms stating I had x number of miss calls, couldnt they be more customer-friendly by sending the numbers in the sms itself?? It would cost them the same, and would rather create goodwill with the customer. Or is it that they have become so blind in their race to offer cheap talktime that they are resorting to the most "cheap" methods to collect revenue?
And just a few minutes ago, I had the message again. The point is, when my mobile wasn't switched off right now, why didnt I recieve the call? Why does the server have to notify me about the missed-call, instead? Somethings fishy about this business.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

let me be frank and let u know, that is problem with just ur idea..the recharge coupans are out of stock and to collect abject amount they send such smses..u see
really fishy business